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LINHARDT packs what is dear to you.

We develop innovative packaging solutions

We develop and produce aluminium and plastic packaging – primarily collapsible tubes, cans and rigid tubes on a global level.

Interested? Contact us!

Linhardt Werk


Who are we?

LINHARDT packages all things that improve health, beautify, are easily spoilt or are expensive. We are your partner for Healthcare, Beauty and Home packaging. We develop and produce aluminium and plastic packaging – primarily collapsible tubes, cans and rigid tubes on a global level.

Contact us – we look forward to hearing from you!

About us
Countries Worldwide
Locations Worldwide
Our philosophy

LINHARDT is innovation

In the field of aluminum tubes, plastic tubes and aerosol cans, our packaging has received numerous awards in recent years. Here you can find videos on novelties and innovative ideas in the field of tubes, pens and aerosol cans.